CRCSD Alert - This is a message to all families and staff in the Cedar Rapids Community School District. The start of classes will be DELAYED by TWO HOURS for tomorrow, Tuesday, January 21, 2025, because of the forecasted weather conditions. There will be no morning half day preschool, but full-day preschool at Truman Early Learning Center will be DELAYED by TWO HOURS tomorrow. Thank you.
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West Willow Web Completed

West Willow Elementary School was constructed as part of our initial Elementary School. West Willow opened its doors in August of 2021 and replaced Coolidge Elementary on the site. West Willow Elementary School is located at 6225 1st Ave SW, in Cedar Rapids. OPN Architects designed the school. The school serves preschool-age children thru fifth grade. – The school was designed to hold 600 students, with four classes at each grade level.