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We have broken down our Future Ready Facilities into four phases.

Phase 1

Here is a look at Phase 1 projects, which were completed in August 2024. This project began in 2018, and the funding came from Secure an Advanced Vision for Education (SAVE) funds, which are sales tax funds.

Schools that were part of phase one, were West Willow Elementary, Maple Grover Elementary, and Trailside Elementary.

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Phase 2

Here is a look at the work already started on the Phase 2 projects. This project began in 2024, with completion scheduled for 2027. Funding from this phase is coming from the Secure an Advanced Vision for Education (SAVE) funds and the Physical Plant and Equipment Levy (PPEL).

Schools included in Phase 2 are Hoover Community School, Van Buren Elementary, Madison Elementary, and Harrison Elementary.

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Phase 3

Here is a look at the upcoming projects in Phase 3 projects. This project begins in spring 2025, with completion scheduled for August or December 2026. Funding from this phase is coming from the Physical Plant and Equipment Levy (PPEL), and Secure an Advanced Vision for Education (SAVE) funds.

Schools part of Phase 3 are Washington High School and Jefferson High School.


Phase 4

Here is a look at Phase 4 outline. These projects would be funding with a proposed bond in November 2025.


Schools in Phase 4 would be Grant Elementary, Cedar River Academy, McKinley STEAM Academy, Wilson Middle School, Roosevelt Creative Corridor Business Academy, Franklin Middle School, Metro High School, and Kennedy High School.


Impact of All Four Phases

A total of 18 buildings were impacted by these four phases. A total of 10,495 students were impacted by these projects. Sixty-nine percent of students in CRCSD are affected by these phases.
